Our Story
Odyssey originally began as a traditional church plant in 2006. In 2008, a group of several men with special needs began attending the church. This church wanted them to be able to participate, so they began modifying parts of the service. In 2009, the church began intentionally reaching out to agencies providing residences for people with disabilities in the Poughkeepsie, NY area. They continued to modify the weekly service so all could worship together. These special services were initially held once a month. Within two years, those services were a full-time ministry and had grown beyond the church’s wildest dreams. Today, over 800 people have participated in an Odyssey Sunday morning service.
It is known as a compassionate church welcoming people with special needs and their families. Odyssey is all about giving a voice to the people they serve and actively recognizing their value.
Odyssey is a congregation of the Hopewell Reformed Church and part of the Reformed Church in American denomination (RCA), Reformed and always reforming according to the Word of God.
For decades, Hopewell Reformed Church (HRC) has been a vital center for Christian growth in the Hudson Valley. We have brought people of all ages and backgrounds closer to the heart of Christ and His Gospel. Our study groups have drawn hundreds of people from the greater community, culminating in believer baptisms in Fishkill Creek. HRC is also a congregation with a rich history of Reformed theology and worship: reformed and ever-reforming according to the Word of God.
The Church Today
At Odyssey they believe all people are God’s children. As God’s children, we should bring the good news of Christ’s love to everyone.
This is a Christian Community and a ministry of the Hopewell Reformed Church in Hopewell Junction, NY.
Odyssey seeks to be an inclusive church inviting all people with and without disabilities to worship. They do not put on a worship service FOR people with disabilities, but worship WITH them. They encourage all members to use their gifts in the community.
When you attend you will notice some accommodations provided and an atmosphere of acceptance. Odyssey believes this reflects Jesus’ attitude towards people. In worship they clap often throughout the service to show thanks for the blessing of God’s word, the beauty of the music, and to celebrate being together. If a song makes them feel like dancing, they dance!
Prayer time is a significant part of the Sunday morning experience, and is very important to the church. They are a caring community and seek to make sure they have shared all their joys and concerns. If you listen carefully during this time, you will be amazed at the passion and the number of prayers said for others.
In the Sunday service they plan to make the time accessible for all so they use visual symbols whenever possible and props for sermons. They serve communion the first Sunday of each month.
Odyssey in a Week
Odyssey worship includes a time of singing, prayer, and reading the Bible. Each Sunday they hear a message from one of God’s special servants. Odyssey worship starts at 10 AM every Sunday and includes a time of singing, prayer, and reading the Bible. Odyssey friends are able to participate in the worship service by using their gifts in music, sharing their artwork, reading, and in other ways.
In addition to Sunday worship, Odyssey also sponsors monthly Fun Night, Bible Studies, and mission opportunities. They believe in sharing their gifts with the local community in order to share God’s love. Odyssey Fun Night is making a craft item, playing games, having snacks, watching a movie, spending time with friends, and Christian fellowship for all who come. Fun Night is scheduled once a month at Odyssey.
Odyssey values time to be together. Every Odyssey gathering has time for snacks, talking and laughing together. One goal is to build friendships that care for one another. Odyssey Bible study is held once a month. Those are gatherings for learning God’s Word, and engaging with scripture. In those spaces Odyssey uses visual aids and other mediums to enable people to gain clarity and provide opportunity for growth in a relationship with our Savior.